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Our Story

The Michelle Jones-Cook Foundation was founded as a way to keep Michelle’s Legacy alive. Michelle and her sister were raised in a single-parent home. Michelle was educated in the Catholic School System of Philadelphia. She attended Grade School at St. Veronica and High School at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls. Michelle also attended Temple University where she met her husband William Cook Sr. As a way of giving back to the Community Michelle grew up in, the Michelle Jones-Cook Scholarship was created in 2016 and has awarded 9 young ladies scholarships totaling $19,200. The Scholarship is awarded to a young lady graduating from St. Veronica and plans on attending Little Flower. As the need to reach and help more students was realized the Foundation was founded.

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Q. How/where to apply for the scholarship? ​​

A: You can apply for the scholarship through the web site on the  "Contact" tab page 

Q. Who is this for or who is able to apply?

A: The scholarship is available for young girls who is a 

Q. Where does the money go?

Q. When is the next or upcoming event?

Q. What needs to be done during the application process? 

Q. When does the applying process begin?

So when you see or hear of the Michelle Jones-Cook Foundation, know that we are moving with purpose in Memory of a Great Woman who left behind a Rich Legacy and shall be remembered by many. 

Meet The Team

Michelle's Confidants


William Cook Sr.

Chief Financial Officer

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Vanessa Jones



Shiranda Jones

Board Chairman

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